Hello there.
Helen Clark here.
2011 will see all of the world's greatest
rugby players gathered in one place:
New Zealand.
Here are the main ones to watch:
Tony Woodcock (OBE)
(New Zealand)
A player to watch at the next Rugby World Cup.
Carl Hayman (New Zealand)
Another player to watch at the next Rugby World Cup.
If I'm not watching Carl Hayman at the next Rugby
World Cup then I am going to be seriously fucked off.
Richard Mccaw (New Zealand)
God defend New Zealand and God defend Richard Mccaw.
Who the hell is this glum-looking bastard?
One of the bloody Laotians?
This dreary-looking pillock is NOT one of the players
worth watching at the next Rugby World Cup.
Next slide, please.
Daniel Carter (New Zealand)
Yes, young Daniel Carter is one of the many players
worth watching at the next Rugby World Cup.
This concludes The List of Players
to watch at the next Rugby World Cup.